Lighthouse sailboat When Enough is Enough
Accredited Counseling & Intervention Services, Inc.  

Interventions for Addiction and/or Mental Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic

How are interventions accomplished with social distancing? Here are answers to this and other questions frequently asked Accredited Counseling & Intervention Services:

  1. I continue to provide interventions; in-person with social distancing and precautions.
  2. The intervention team (consisting of family, friends, ACIS's Scott, and others) can intervene while following CDC guidelines for Covid-19.
  3. All the preplanning and preparation work can be done either in person or through telehealth - online.
  4. I aim to assist families and their loved-ones daily to get help, all levels of treatment are available.
  5. I provide help for seniors and others who are sheltered in place.
  6. Individual and Family coaching are available.

Seeking Treatment During A Pandemic

Generally, people don’t want to go into treatment, and this is now aggravated by a state of chaos and confusion given the trauma of a world pandemic. Numbing themselves with alcohol and other drugs may sometimes feel like the best way to go. Moreover, many people have a level of inner ambivalence, guilt or shame about their substance use. Maybe they have been arrested for driving under the influence, racked up their credit cards, or some other mishap. Perhaps their spouse filed for divorce or separation or their children have been taken away from them. By and large, most have violated their core values.

In some instances, self-awareness may be enough to want to address inner despair or review behaviors. With today’s uncertainty with Covid- 19, many folks just want to disappear in a sea of nothingness, albeit alcohol or other drugs, gambling, shopping, sex, disordered eating, etc. Regardless of how unmotivated someone appears to be, there is always an opening that can be found in their defences. When we understand what our loved-ones care about, we can break through the hollow walls of denial and effectuate change.

Searching For A New Normal

Recessions and world crisis exacerbate substance abuse problems. People are at home and often confused, fearful and lost. Their daily routines have been disrupted and they are searching for a new normal. Today, is a great time --- perhaps the best time --- for honest, transparent conversations and to reset to new ways of living. One can help a struggling loved-one, and interventions can proceed even in the arena of social distancing and sheltering in place. Interventions are invitations to change; and require Collective Strategies. We put together a team comprised of family, friends, and concerned others to help encourage your loved-one to change in two key ways:

Working Remotely

Preparation for an intervention can be through secured HIPAA compliant online platform called I have remotely helped many grateful families move their loved ones to change by coaching them and giving them the skills and strategies needed. I recommend the actual Intervention with the loved-one be done in person. The needed connection with the loved-one can be done safely within a social distanced circle. Please call Scott at 888-427-8689 to learn more. I welcome speaking with you and starting a pivotal conversation. Together we can make a difference. The Miracle of Recovery awaits you and your loved-one.